Sanjay and Anita Bhargava

Exploring Global Prosperity Labs (ex- Citibank, ex- PayPal, ex-Starlink, Directors Bharosa Club)

“We are fortunate to have lived in India, Thailand, and USA. We are US citizens resident in India for over 20 years and currently live in Mumbai. . In 2010 Anita led a movement called Let’s do it Delhi where over 50000 people participated in over 125 events to clean Delhi. She has been an honorary advisor to the MCD commissioner and an MLA in Delhi. In 2013 we cofounded IIC (International Innovation Corps) with Prof. Anup Malani from University of Chicago. We founded Bharosa Club in 2015 with the aim of replacing bad selling with good selling in financial services. Our son is now the CEO of Bharosa Club. We are now exploring setting up a Global Prosperity Lab at IIT Mumbai which will cover all aspects of prosperity- mental, physical, and financial.

We are joining the LMP community to learn from the community, support community members achieve their aims and to seek support from community members who find our passions worth supporting. We are committed to leaving the bulk of our wealth to help create a better world.

We do not believe in an equal world, but we want a fair world where mobility between classes is easy. Material worth is not the same as prosperity. We are also more comfortable with supporting for-profit impact ventures creating scalable good through our Foundation than not-for-profit ventures. Not-for-profit ventures play a vital role but we understand for-profit better…”

– Anita and Sanjay






If you are interested in learning about the initiative or if you believe this is the community for you and want to join in please click on the link below. One of our team members will contact you.