Varun Chawla

Impact Startup Ecosystem Builder

I’m signing up for #LivingMyPromise because I believe that wealth should be a tool for creating meaningful change in the world. Life has given me opportunities and privileges, and I feel a sense of responsibility to use my resources to benefit others. By committing to give away a significant portion of my wealth, I hope to support causes that promote equity, sustainability, and opportunity for all, currently I am doing so by contributing a good chunk of my time and resources to building the startup eco-ashram – By joining this movement, I aim to contribute to a culture of generosity and shared responsibility. I want to play a small part in building a better future for the generations to come. LivingMyPromise is an opportunity to align my actions with my values, express gratitude for all I’ve received, and leave a legacy that reflects the kind of world we all deserve.
– Varun Chawla


If you are interested in learning about the initiative or if you believe this is the community for you and want to join in please click on the link below. One of our team members will contact you.