Rushabh Turakhia

Rushabh Turakhia is Owner at R. Kirti & Co that deals in Jewellery. He is the Founder and kindness ambassador at Your Turn Now.

“I truly believe that “Kindness should be the only religion.” Taking this thought forward I initiated an effective movement called “Your Turn Now.” Through random acts of kindness, I aimed to touch lives and spread smiles globally, handing over a small blue card. I believe that what’s left behind after me is not mine. Thus as one of my acts, I chose to spread smiles beyond me and have pledged 11 of my organs to be donated. I further promise to give away at least 50 percent of my wealth to those who are less fortunate, to be able to lead a life well deserved. Thank you #LivingMyPromise for giving me this opportunity to live my purpose of giving back to society even after I am gone.”

– Rushabh Turakhia


If you are interested in learning about the initiative or if you believe this is the community for you and want to join in please click on the link below. One of our team members will contact you.