Naresh Muley


“As a young kid I was inspired with the words of Swami Vivekananda and from that time I decided to devote my life for the service of mankind. After my post graduation I established Rephy research institute and corporate training center to develop programs for human resource development. Right now I am running free training mission in our area. And also develop many training programs for enhancing Emotional intelligence. When I got information about this group I was very happy, a community were everyone is passionate about philanthropy and structure of this group is also very open, you have freedom to donate your wealth according to your own wish and time. Also you can choose to whom you want to donate, no direct obligation but a group of like minded people thanks Prashant pal ji, Gunjan ji and the entire group….”

– Naresh Muley






If you are interested in learning about the initiative or if you believe this is the community for you and want to join in please click on the link below. One of our team members will contact you.