Anup Pai

Banking Technology Entrepreneur 

21st century money is digital information and accumulates rapidly to people/entities that are well-versed with digital information systems. On the converse, it extracts from people/entities that are not savvy about digital information. It is also well known that the potential losers in this system are those that are producing the real goods and services in the economy. This dichotomy has the potential to create social strife. Given this epiphany in 2016, I have committed all my financial assets to create community assets where there is a happy co-mingling of people that are digital savvy and people that are artisanal producers. I don’t see LivingMyPromise just as a philanthropic effort. Instead, I see this as a necessity to protect mine and my family’s interests in a financial world that is potentially headed for failure.
– Anup Pai


If you are interested in learning about the initiative or if you believe this is the community for you and want to join in please click on the link below. One of our team members will contact you.